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Burlish Park Primary School


Intent, Implementation and Impact


At Burlish Park Primary, we aim to provide a high-quality, broad, balanced and progressive PE curriculum which will enable the pupils to become physically literate. Pupils will develop motor abilities like strength, speed, endurance, coordination, flexibility, agility and balance, as well as their physical confidence.

We aim to develop the pupils’ knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle.

We also aim to inspire our pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities that will help with their health and fitness.

The pupils will hopefully develop a lifelong interest in sport and being physical active.


Pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 will receive two hours of a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum where they will be taught by their class teacher and also a specialist PE teacher. Class teachers will have access to support from the specialist PE teacher, who is an SLE.

Pupils will have the opportunity to attend extra-curricular clubs and represent their House and Burlish Park at a wide range of sports.

Lessons and extra-curricular clubs will be supported by coaches from local clubs to help signpost pupils to further opportunities to be involved in sport locally.

Pupils who need extra support with their physical development will join an intervention group, run by the Sports TA, to help close the gap with their peers.

The pupils will have the opportunity to ‘Learn to Lead, Lead to Learn’, which will help develop their physical, social and thinking skills.

Through active lessons and purposeful play at breaktimes and lunchtimes (bouldering wall, gym equipment, Playleaders etc) pupils will have the opportunity to meet the national expectation of 30 minutes of physical activity per day.


By participating in PE and School Sport the pupils will develop their physical skills as well as their social skills. There will be a positive impact on their emotional health and well-being and, with the pupils leading healthy active lives, they can hopefully perform better academically and have a successful future.

Many of the pupils will develop a love for sport, join local clubs and enjoy a lifelong love of sport.